Landa Digital Print

Ila Biyalistok, VP Marketing

Mazi, Ayala, Daniel, and the entire remarkable Eldan team, 


Before we return to our daily routines (or at least before I do...), I wanted to express how much I appreciate the incredible work you have done in recent weeks and how much I enjoyed—not just the outcome, but the journey itself! 


When I took on this project, it was clear to me that only with extraordinary people like yourselves could such a crazy project be executed. Yet, as always, you managed to surprise me once again. The professionalism you displayed, the boundless creativity (much of which was generously given to us as a gift, with close guidance and professional coaching), solutions to every challenge, the unforgettable impact evident in everything—from the food, the impressive branding that appeared everywhere at the event, to the special gifts you added because you knew how crucial they were (LED lights, illuminated Landa cubes, and more)—all together, these aspects unequivocally define you as the most phenomenal partners I've had the privilege to work with. Throughout, the feeling was that we truly are your sole client, even though I am aware you had many other events that same week! 


I am not sure how you manage it, but not once did I feel there was anything else occupying your thoughts besides our event. I want you to know that since Thursday night, I have been receiving endless feedback about the party. People are saying it was the most amazing party they have ever attended, and that is entirely thanks to you! 


So, once again, a million thanks. I look forward to celebrating many more successful years together and eagerly await our next event... 


Thank you very much! 


Ila, Landa Digital Print